The Goldilocks Principle in Startup Investing: Finding the Right Opportunity


Startup investing is often compared to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. In this analogy, investors are on a quest to find the investment opportunity that is just right. This means striking a balance between an idea that is not too small to lack potential and not too big and unrealistic to be fraught with risk. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the Goldilocks principle can guide investors in their search for the perfect startup to invest in.

The “Not Big Enough Idea”

Imagine Goldilocks entering a startup forest, tasting a bowl of porridge that’s too cold. In the world of startups, this corresponds to ideas that are not big enough. These startups may have a limited target market or offer a product or service with little growth potential. While investing in such startups might seem safe, it often leads to modest returns and lacks the excitement and growth potential that many investors seek.

The “Too Big and Unrealistic” Idea

On the other side of the spectrum, Goldilocks stumbles upon a bowl of porridge that’s too hot. In the startup world, this represents ideas that are too grandiose and unrealistic. These startups have lofty ambitions but may lack a clear path to execution. Investing in such startups can be akin to betting on a high-risk venture. While they may have the potential for massive success, they also carry a higher probability of failure.

The “Just Right” Idea

Finally, Goldilocks discovers the bowl of porridge that is just right in terms of temperature. In startup investing, this corresponds to finding the startup with a balanced and achievable vision. These startups have identified a real market need, have a feasible plan to address it, and offer a reasonable expectation of growth and profitability. Investing in such startups can lead to successful outcomes, as they combine potential for growth with a manageable level of risk.

How to Find the “Just Right” Startup

  1. Market Research: Begin by conducting thorough market research to understand the problem the startup is solving and the potential demand for its solution. Analyze market trends and competition to assess the startup’s position.
  2. Team Assessment: Evaluate the startup’s founding team. Look for individuals with relevant experience, a track record of success, and a deep understanding of the industry.
  3. Scalability: Consider whether the startup’s business model is scalable. Can it grow its customer base, expand to new markets, or introduce additional revenue streams?
  4. Risk Assessment: Assess the risks associated with the startup, including competition, regulatory challenges, and market dynamics. Diversify your portfolio to spread risk.
  5. Due Diligence: Dive deep into the startup’s financials, business plan, and traction. Seek input from industry experts and mentors.

The Goldilocks principle in startup investing emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between an idea that is too small and one that is too grandiose. The “just right” startup combines a compelling vision with a realistic plan for execution, offering investors the potential for growth without excessive risk.

Remember that startup investing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What is considered “just right” may vary from one investor to another based on their risk tolerance, investment goals, and expertise. However, by following the principles of due diligence and thoughtful evaluation, investors can increase their chances of finding the perfect startup opportunity that aligns with their investment objectives.



Trace Cohen Angel Investor / Family Office/ VC

Angel in 60+ pre-seed/seed startups via New York Venture Partners ( Comms/PR/Strategy